Tuesday, April 10, 2018

This is the actual narrative from a recent call:

This is the actual narrative from a recent call:
On 04/05/2018, at 19:58 hours, I was dispatched to 123 XXXXXX Street, in reference to an out of control 5 year old. Upon my arrival, I spoke to a 7 year old male who advised that his 5 year old sister hit him. I spoke to the grandmother of the children who advised that her granddaughter was out of control. While on scene, the granddaughter was unruly and would not speak with her grandmother or me. I advised the grandmother that she could discipline her grandchildren. I also advised her to contact her granddaughter's caseworker about her behavior. I told the male juvenile that he would need to stand up to his sister, if not; she would continue to hit him. No further information.
Unfortunately, the police are being used more and more as the enforcers of house rules by parents and guardians who are incapable of implementing discipline. In other cases, the police are used as armed social or mental health workers. While we are always happy to help those in need, our society seems to be changing the motto, "To Protect and Serve" in to "To Babysit, Discipline, and Transport." While this may be the easiest or most expedient solution, it teaches children to fear the police and stigmatizes those with mental health issues as criminal. This is NOT the wisest use of tax dollars and definitely NOT the most appropriate use of the police.

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